Cuban Vice President calls in Guantánamo to strengthen municipal autonomy and advance food sovereignty

The vice president of Cuba, Salvador Valdés Mesa, convened in Guantánamo to specify the provisions of articles 168 and 169 of the Constitution of the Republic on the autonomy of municipalities as the primary political-administrative unit of society and to promote sovereignty and education nutritional status of the population.

Cuban Vice President calls in Guantánamo to strengthen municipal autonomy and advance food sovereignty
12 Mar 2021

In the meeting where the highest authorities of the Party of the province and the municipalities participated, the Governor Emilio Matos Mosqueda, the territorial mayors and directors of Agriculture and organizations linked to food production, the Vice President reported that "we are in the middle of the implementation of territorial development strategies, and of the laws for the operation of the provincial governments and municipal administration councils, processes to which special attention must be paid ”. Valdés Mesa checked the results of the sowing in the province during the cold season, the preparations for the spring season and the comprehensive progress of the municipal self-sufficiency program, which includes the exploitation of idle lands, the increase in livestock modules, and yields in various crops, and the improvement of marketing and contracting mechanisms. The also member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party called to "increase planting to supply the deficit of fertilizers, especially banana, sweet potato and cassava, the latter tuber that is grown in more than 100 countries and is strategic for the Island in the achievement of replacing the importation of sorbo and corn, both for the population and for animal feed ”. "If we take into account that the land is the storehouse for cassava, that only the soil is needed, and that with 40 or 50 thousand plants planted per hectare, 30 tons are obtained, then you have to sow and sow, without looking back. ”. In exchange with Avelio Machuca, Director of the provincial grain company, Osmel de la Cruz Cala, of the coffee processor Asdrúbal López, and representatives of grassroots productive units, the vice president of the country inquired about the implementation and progress of the Task Order in the business system of agriculture. At the end of the meeting, Salvador Valdés Mesa recognized the progress made by Guantánamo in municipal self-sufficiency as a realization of local food sovereignty, despite difficult economic conditions and the confrontation with the Covid-19 pandemic.


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