Transformation of wood favors the economy of Las Tunas

In the development of beekeeping and in the collection of various agricultural products there are also the saving hands of the workers of the sawmills of Calixto, in Majibacoa, and of this city, as well as the workers of the Libertad carpentry.

Transformation of wood favors the economy of Las Tunas
26 May 2021

The three facilities constitute a valuable contribution to these activities, according to Isidro Herrera Figueredo, director of the Commercial-based business unit at the Agroforestry Company of Las Tunas, who specified that the groups are aware of their responsibility, Isidro Herrera Figueredo 1Isidro. “In the two sawmills, the logs are processed and then destined for the programs prioritized by the country and, in general, we are giving the second transformation to the wood, taking it to the buyers in the best possible conditions. “Customers use this wood to manufacture the resources they need. In the case of storage modules, we sell them the kit and they build the box. In the same way we proceed with the pallets, because it is difficult for us to buy lace to finish them ”. BETWEEN SAWS, BRUSHES AND HAMMERS This is how the workers of the Libertad carpentry walk almost every day, whose fundamental social purpose is the elaboration of the elements for beekeeping production in the provinces of Las Tunas, Holguín and Camagüey, thereby helping to promote this exportable item that earns foreign currency. to the country. Hector.rguezHéctor.Héctor Rodríguez Calo, at the head of the team, said that the plans are not being fulfilled due to a lack of raw material, essentially due to difficulties with the stable supply of wood by suppliers. “In the production of the boxes, the bottoms and the lids, we almost always use conifers, from Mayarí, Guamá and Baracoa, although at some point we have used carob cut in the territory of Las Tunas, and it has been well accepted. “Due to difficulties with fuel and other logistical reasons, we have lacked that wood; But we look for alternatives so that workers continue to produce and we make items in high demand among the population such as furniture, shoe racks, cribs and doors, among others. "In this line, precious and semi-hard woods are used, say cedar, neem and Indian and local carob, just to mention those examples." SOLUTIONS VS. LONGEVITY “The Las Tunas sawmill technology is 100 years old, and more. And, due to his age, he constantly causes problems, but solutions are sought here because the important thing is to solve the problems that arise in each of the work areas ”. The words of Antonio Prieto Reyes, Brigade Chief, have a deep impact on the workers, leaders and even occasional visitors, like this reporter who found them sweaty and laborious, fixing one of the teams involved in the production process. “Here we place a lot of value on science and technology and make innovations in the saws, the wood transporter, the winches and everything that breaks. Last year we presented four papers at the forum and now we intend to exceed that number ”. Economic and financial limitations aside, each day is a new challenge for the groups and not only because their salary depends on the productions, but because the workers suffer when not everything the country needs comes out of their hands. That is why we strive - says Herrera Figueredo - so that the pieces are born one by one until they satisfy the demands of the companies, so that people enjoy a piece of furniture made here, and the province advances in its economic activity. "They can continue to count on us," he confirmed.


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Canal Agroforestal