Sri Lanka and Cuba exchange on coconut crops

The Minister of Plantations of Sri Lanka, Ramesh Pathirana, exchanged with the Cuban ambassador, Andrés Marcelo González, on matters of mutual interest related to the cultivation and production of coconut, it was disclosed today.

Sri Lanka and Cuba exchange on coconut crops
06 Oct 2021

Sri Lanka and Cuba maintain contacts on this field of agriculture and hope that bilateral cooperation in this area will increase, said a diplomatic source. The Cuban representative informed the Sri Lankan head of the International Agro-Forestry Convention that will take place in Cuba in June 2022, under the auspices of the Agro-forestry Research Institute of the Caribbean country. The secretary of the Ministry of Plantations, Ravindra Hewavitharana, and Dr. Saranga Alahapperuma, president of the Coconut Research Board, also participated in the interview.


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