Niquero surpasses this year the production of honey from bees for export

The honey producers in the Granma municipality of Niquero have already exceeded their production program for this year, with two hundred and four tons of organic honey, to rank as the best in the territory.

Niquero surpasses this year the production of honey from bees for export
21 Oct 2020

With 33 honey producers in three credit and service cooperatives, 47 apiaries are located, and almost three thousand hives that have achieved a productive explosion this year, given positive environmental conditions for that line.
Jorge Vargas, head of the apiculture area in Niquero, pointed out that the apiaries are located in the area of ??the Great Desembarco del Granma National Park, an ecologically protected territory, where the soplillo, a tree that predominates in the region, is giving the best honeys.
Moreover, everything is not finished this year, as the blooms of white and purple bells are approaching, which can provide about forty more tons of honey.
Connoisseurs state that, although Hurricane Dennis left significant damage to the flora of that Niquereño region, it spread throughout the mountain the seeds of the soplillo, which today is already blooming, and is the one that contributes the highest volume of honey to the apiaries.


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