Majagüenses beekeepers exceed the honey production plan

The systematic work of the eight producers of the Beekeeping sector in the municipality of Majagua, about 25 kilometers from Ciego Ávila, allowed the overcompliance of the honey and propolis production plan, as a result of the efficiency indices achieved during 2020, by the basic units of cooperative production and the individual leaders of the guild.

Majagüenses beekeepers exceed the honey production plan
19 Jan 2021

Good management of the 1,150 hives that exist in the territory favored the collection of 78 tons of honey, 504 kg of wax and 104 kg of propolis, figures that represent 30 percent of the province's plan. The significant contribution is also compounded by the growth of queen bees; which allows strengthening the apicultural production of the territory and maintaining yields of more than 48 kilograms of honey per hive. 

Oneido Gómez Farías, a prominent producer in the southwest of Avila, said that the results obtained reaffirm the commitment of the Majaguenses beekeepers to the country's call to produce more. Despite the incidence of Covid-19 and the effects of Tropical Storm Eta, which claimed the useful life of 3 of the apiaries, the beekeepers did not stop their work and complying with the hygienic-sanitary measures for the proper management of the food managed to overcome adversity.

The result of the town of Majagüense also benefits from the contribution of 4 producers that stand out in the country for their high yields of more than 100 kg of honey per hive, placing the municipality as the largest producer in the province of Avila. Due to the quality and variety, these productions are destined for the processing and benefit plant in the province of Santi Espíritus and then be exported. This generates great support for the country's economy if one takes into account that the product is around 3,000 euros per ton in the international market.


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