Second largest coffee producer in Cuba expects to increase this year

More than 882 thousand cans of cherry coffee are estimated to be collected in the current harvest by the eastern province of Guantánamo, the second largest producer of the bean in Cuba.

Second largest coffee producer in Cuba expects to increase this year
02 Nov 2021

Two months into the campaign, it reports 323,340 cans collected, especially in the municipalities of Maisí, Yateras and El Salvador, where higher productions will be concentrated compared to the previous stage. According to agricultural experts, in relation to the previous harvest, the current one will grow by six percent, for an estimated 1,747 tons of golden coffee, 240 more due to the incorporation of areas and varieties with higher yields. During the entire harvest, the internal forces of each locality will be in charge: 10 thousand 929 peasants and workers on the payroll, many of whom faced a first peak of ripening in October and in this month of November they forecast another. Experts say that a successful development of the harvest is expected, despite some delays in technical procedures due to the recent confinement at home required by the pandemic in many localities.


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Canal Agroforestal