Recover cocoa production, priority of the Party in Baracoa

The importance of recovering the levels of cocoa production in Baracoa, to guarantee the export of the product, as well as the supply to the local Chocolate Factory, focused the debates of the Municipal Assembly of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in the Primada de Cuba, which was attended by Félix Duarte Ortega, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the PCC.

Recover cocoa production, priority of the Party in Baracoa
07 Dec 2021

Problems such as the deficient technical-productive advice on the farms, the little preparation of the cooperative staff and the insufficient use of science and technology to support economic results, were pointed out by Gienny Paján Cobas, First secretary of the political organization in the territory, during the reading of the central report that guided the debates. Paján Cobas signified the role that the nuclei must play in the effective application and control of the country's policies: “We must be the first to innovate, to cultivate every bit to increase our yields, which in turn will translate into a higher quality of life for our people ”. Norge Pera Llacer, a farmer from the CCS Wilber Galano, pointed out in this regard that although it is true that there is a crop development program, the fulfillment of which is analyzed in the meetings, there is still little that has been achieved in the planting and renewal of this item. In addition, we must be more systematic in serving producers, especially to resolve the issue of aging in the sector, starting with inserting young people as relief in the field. Felix Duarte Ortega pointed out the importance of the issue of cocoa recovery in the complex moments that Cuba is experiencing, in need of greater income in foreign currency to sustain social conquests. “Producers must resolve the obstacles that prevent them from fulfilling their social function and this is a permanent task of the Party and of the leadership cadres of the cooperatives. We must banish this paternalism and the lack of depth in the work of the nuclei linked to agriculture because only in this way is the Cuban Revolution defended, "said the political leader. Rafael Pérez Fernández, Member of the Central Committee of the PCC and its First Secretary in the province of Guantánamo, stressed that the solution to the issue of production, starts in the first place from training decision-makers for the efficient management of areas and the application of agroecological policies. Baracoa has the resources: water, land, personnel, but endogenous development scientific projects need to be drawn up to guide every decision and avoid spontaneity. The ideological and economic battle constitute the stronghold of the communists today, as validated by the delegates to the Baracoan Party Assembly, who were also projected by the diversification of offers from the seven local mini-industries, the battle against abusive prices, the prevention crime and illegalities, and growth in the ranks of the PCC, since the representation of strategic sectors such as the private sector is still very low. During the Assembly, Gienny Paján Cobas was ratified as head of the Municipal Committee of the Party.


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