Authorities of the province visit works and activities of economic and social interest in Santiago de Cuba

This Sunday, the work did not stop at strategic works in Santiago de Cuba

Authorities of the province visit works and activities of economic and social interest in Santiago de Cuba
28 Dec 2021

José Ramón Monteagudo Ruiz, member of the central committee and First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Party in Santiago de Cuba and Beatriz Jhonson Urrutia, Governor of the territory exchanged on the outskirts of the Tamara Bunque North Maternal Hospital with neighbors who support the rehabilitation of the facility that It will be one of the most modern in the country. Inside the hospital they found that work is being done to deliver rooms and rooms executed with quality and in the shortest possible time. The authorities also evidenced the rehabilitation of the Arteria Marti, which is part of the Los Maceo Popular Council and has among its patrimonial values ??the monument to Major General José Maceo Grajales, which also receives attention. Nearby, in the cultural center, Los Hoyos exchanged with Félix Bandera, director of the emblematic conga, and learned about the history of this group that came out shortly after to play in the streets. In the Parque de Carretera del Morro he learned about the actions that are being carried out for the repair of the site that is used in recreational and cultural activities in District 3: Antonio Maceo. In the Republic, he checked the eradication of a historic leak with the Aguas Santiago staff and verified the sanitation of the important garbage dump called the town. From the viewpoint of the site, he indicated to increase the planting areas in the UEB of tomato and various crops, among others. At the Dos Rios plant in Palma Soriano they checked the assurances of the milling that began in the province here on December 19 and intends to deliver 16 thousand tons of sugar. He was interested in the conditions of the central cafeteria and indicated to improve the offer to the workers. He shared his concern because 1,240 tons are already owed to the plan and was interested in the technical state of the equipment where he learned about the deficits of the collators and field movers. He also checked the sugarcane collection strategy so that the grinding is uninterrupted during the planned 10 or 12 hours. He indicated that the central must remain dry and clean.


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