Impact of the Prosam project on agriculture recognized

Madruga is today a reference municipality in Mayabeque of the Prosam project, dedicated to accelerating the sustainable production of healthy food from a gender perspective.

Impact of the Prosam project on agriculture recognized
26 Oct 2021

After five years of its implementation, the results obtained support the work of the producers, the alliances for the productive chain and the support of the government in the interests of food autonomy. In the last five years, the Prosam project in Madruga developed 18 initiatives that contribute to agricultural development with good practices and the increase in the number of women working in the fields. Among them, 5 high-yield farms stand out, dedicated to various crops, including vegetables and greens, which contribute to increasing the offers in markets and supplying the centers of social benefit. In addition, the project allowed the installation of eleven seedling houses, a seed farm, a modernized nursery and three farms in which they develop sheep-goat cattle. The Prosam project has a farm in Madruga for learning and innovation where workers receive training on topics as important for the improvement of agriculture as soil conservation and the use of bio-products. Now that Prosam concludes as a five-year project, the challenge is to sustain all these initiatives that undoubtedly lead to accelerating the obtaining of healthy food for the people.


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Canal Agroforestal