That the furrow worries us more than waiting for the ship

Without sinning as triumphalist, the fact of closing the spring campaign of various crops with the sowing of more than 19,000 hectares of viands, grains, fruit trees and vegetables constitutes, for Camagüey, a clear sign of how much can be done in circumstances of material shortages of different kinds

That the furrow worries us more than waiting for the ship
08 Sep 2021

Without being triumphant, the fact of closing the spring campaign of various crops with the sowing of more than 19,000 hectares of viands, grains, fruit trees and vegetables constitutes, for this province, a clear sign of how much can be done in circumstances of material deficiencies of various kinds. However, managers, specialists and producers are also not unaware that the plans conceived so far are still far from contributing to solving the anguishing problem of meeting the demand for agricultural products of a population that today exceeds 764,000 inhabitants. Although the attachment to a deep-rooted livestock tradition weighs a lot, the truth is that Camagüey produces a low percentage of the food it consumes, so the rest must be transported from other provinces, with the consequent cost of fuel and the reduction of crops in the random traffic. Reversing such a situation constitutes, therefore, the supreme objective of Camagüey farmers, which requires the rapid mobilization of productive reserves, knowing that it is not a magic wand that will respond to all the obstacles and inconveniences that arise in the path. The priorities to achieve this are well defined: consolidate the agricultural poles, streamline the land delivery process, accelerate the fight against the marabou, eliminate idle areas, make more efficient use of irrigation systems, increase the use of traction. animal and promote new crops. Overcoming this unfinished business, in the midst of severe resource limitations, will only be possible if the "juice" is taken from each piece of arable land, based on the harmonious combination of daily dedication to work, creative will and creativity. wisdom of the men and women of the field. Another will be the result if, as occurs in some farms and cooperatives, instead of fulfilling the agreed commitments or increasing contributions, regrets, justifications and the insistence on highlighting the problems prevail, attitudes that prevent progress at the desired pace. The call of the local authorities is to plant more and better, taking into account the impossibility of aspiring, for the moment, to high agricultural yields, as they do not always have the technological packages (fertilizers, pesticides, fuels and other inputs) that requires each type of crop. Despite such vicissitudes, the panorama in the fields of Camagüey is transformed with the passing of the days, not the result of a passing enthusiasm, but of the awareness that this is the most economical and sustainable way, in the current circumstances, to ensure the food that the population needs. It is also a concrete way of ceasing to see the concepts of food sovereignty and territorial self-sufficiency as something abstract and far from reality, when it comes to, as peasant, to forget once and for all the ships in port, and to put squarely for the benefactor furrow.


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Canal Agroforestal