They produce high-quality seeds in Holguín in support of agricultural programs

The Seed Company belonging to the subsidiary of the Ministry of Agriculture, in Holguín, ensures through its programs the delivery of the vital component with the required quality in support of the planting of various crops, in support of the strategies established to contribute to sovereignty food.

They produce high-quality seeds in Holguín in support of agricultural programs
24 Nov 2021

Emilio Ruiz, commercial specialist of that base business unit, stressed that in the current cold season, seeds of tomato, cucumber, beans, garlic, joint and melon are offered, as well as corn, black beans and cowpeas, of which they have been already sold more than four thousand quintals to the different productive forms of the territory. He specified that in order to achieve the standards established for these agricultural lines in benefit of the required yields, there is a classification process in the grain processing plants assigned to the agricultural system. Within the production of seeds, chemical analyzes are also carried out for nematodes, fungi, bacteria and other diseases, which extend the quality, genetic power and germination of the varieties included in the planting plans up to five years, said the manager. The entity, he emphasized, maintains contracts with agricultural companies that acquire these vital components wholesale, in addition to sales to producers of patios and plots in quantities from 50 grams to one quintal. As part of the food sovereignty program, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment also promotes the training of farmers of the Turquino Plan, to whom high quality seeds of grains, fruits and vegetables are delivered for their cultivation, he specified for his part Norelis Peña, subdelegate of that organism in Holguín. He indicated that at the close of the 2019-2020 strategic cycle, more than 145 varieties resistant to climate change had been introduced at the same time in the demonstration polygons of land and mountainous areas, as part of the Cuban State's plan to confront global warming, known as Life Task. She also stressed that 47 new solar panels were installed in the province to improve livestock and more than 300 irrigation systems that directly benefit some three thousand hectares of crops.


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Canal Agroforestal