Next to be fulfilled coffee campaign in the cooperative sector of Cienfuegos

Before the end of this month of February, farmers and coffee cooperatives from the mountain in Cumanayagua will complete the red bean harvest that began last September with estimates that exceed 498 tons.

Next to be fulfilled coffee campaign in the cooperative sector of Cienfuegos
10 Feb 2021

To date, the 12 cooperatives dedicated to this crop in the province of Cienfuegos have collected almost 82 percent of what was planned, with the risk of non-compliance in only two production bases: the Cooperativa de Creditosy Servicios "Pedro Ginard", from Naranjo, and the Cooperativa de Producción Agropecuario “Cinco de Septiembre”, from Cimarrones, the most affected by bad weather that caused cherry trees to fall without reaching the appropriate size and affected the growth of the plantations. Luis Martín Delgado, president of the National Association of Small Farmers in Cumanayagua, explained to the Radio that they are looking for alternatives with the high producers of the rest of the cooperatives so that they provide as much dry coffee as possible and thus be able to complete the amount of collection agreed with the coffee company and the peasant sector for this campaign. The leader highlighted the good development and quality of the harvest in the cooperatives “Pedro Cruz”, “Oscar Salas”, “Pablo Estévez” and “10 de Octubre”, which have already almost achieved one hundred percent of the plan; as well as the progress of the preparation of the nurseries for the next harvest, with a view to guaranteeing coffee development. Task Management in the coffee sector The Coffee Processing Company "Eladio Machín" brings to its base producers the breakdown of the legal regulations of the current Cuban socioeconomic context, based on the Ordering Task, declared its general director Omar Bermúdez Sánchez. He added that "above all they discuss the particularities of centralized wholesale and retail prices, with the aim that everyone is prepared to face this task." Bermúdez Sánchez expressed that they are concentrating their efforts on producing more coffee, improving yields, diversifying productive forms, and sowing more vegetables, based on the benefits that the mountain offers us, purposes that the country's highest leadership ratified in the recent government visit to Cienfuegos.


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Canal Agroforestal