For a closer agriculture

The Movement of Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture is strengthened in Camagüey with the revival of patios and plots dedicated to the production of vegetables based on family self-sufficiency

For a closer agriculture
01 Oct 2021

The Movement of Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture is strengthened in Camagüey with the revival of patios and plots dedicated to the production of vegetables based on family self-sufficiency. Javier Rodríguez Guerrero, head of the Provincial Department that takes care of this activity in the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture, valued that so far this year it has been going well with the support of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution and the Federation of Cuban Women. In this cold planting campaign, the province of Agramontina has lettuce seeds to plant them in organoponics, orchards and plots and ensure some of the most demanded salads at the end of the year, he added. To date, Camagüey reports 2,260 units dedicated to the production of vegetables, to which more than 73,000 patios and plots are added.


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