The harvest began in Cuba and in Cienfuegos on the 14 de Julio central

The beginning of the cane cuts in the fields of the Cooperativa de Producción Agropecuaria (CPA) Nicaragua Libre was the preamble to the start of the 14 de Julio plant, the first in the country and the province to start up its sugar mills in the 2021 harvest. 2022

The harvest began in Cuba and in Cienfuegos on the 14 de Julio central
06 Dec 2021

With the commitment to manufacture 17,500 tons of sugar, 10,000 of them destined for the basic food basket of the population of Cienfuegos and the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. According to the engineer Amaury Rodríguez Depestre, general director of the recently created Empresa Agroindustrial Azucarera (EAA) 14 de Julio, once again the workers of the entity grew in the enlistment of machinery, both industrial and agricultural, in the midst of enormous limitations of spare parts, supplies and other material resources, also hit by Covid-19, in the most critical months of the pandemic, at the time of assuming the repairs with the proper quality in each of the restorative tasks. The manager added that during the 77 days of operations they must grind some 189 thousand tons of grass, part of them linked to EAA Elpidio Gómez, "5 de Septiembre" and "Antonio Sánchez". "This will be a short harvest, but one of compliance, with our eyes set on efficiency, hence we intend to achieve 9.60 percentage points of yield," assured Rodríguez Depestre. Undoubtedly, and the sugar producers of "14" are aware of them, this will be a complex contest, whose challenges and goals will require the extra in the fulfillment of the daily task in the fields to achieve stable grinds. In the same way, measures must be adopted from now on to reduce the high presence of foreign matter in the cane that will go to the jogger, a situation that has forced the use of attachments and mechanical adjustments in combined. Meanwhile, the groups from the different areas of the mill and the maintenance brigades have the responsibility of avoiding operational interruptions due to unnecessary shutdowns or industrial breakdowns. Along with the commitments in the production of the sweet, the workers of the former Manuelita plan to generate electricity to supply themselves with energy and deliver the surplus to the National Electric Power System. In the same way, high goals have been set for the production of animal feed, from the honey-bagasse protein complex, destined for the livestock branch of the territory. After the flag of the court platoon of the Free Nicaragua CPA, Marydé Fernández, first secretary of the Party in the province, expressed the assurance that the sugar producers of the famous Cienfuegos plant will know how to grow and contribute to the contribution that the country's economy needs. The also member of the Central Committee, accompanied by Alexandre Corona Quintero, governor of Cienfuegos, and the highest authorities of the municipality of Rodas, toured different areas of the factory and exchanged with managers and workers, from whom she heard the conviction of not giving up on maintaining the top position reached in recent years as the most comprehensive ingenuity of the AzCuba Business Group. By the middle of this month, the central Ciudad Caracas, from Lajas, should join the contest; meanwhile, the "Antonio Sánchez", from Aguada, will do so in the first fortnight of January 2022, thus completing the list of the three active in this contest.


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