Las Tunas with 20 exportable goods and services and 14 projects in the 2020-2021 Opportunity Portfolio

The balcony of the Cuban east works to consolidate everything related to foreign trade and foreign investment activities

Las Tunas with 20 exportable goods and services and 14 projects in the 2020-2021 Opportunity Portfolio
21 Jan 2021

Increasing the variety, quality and competitiveness of its exportable items, and promoting lines of interest for foreign investment, are objectives that do not stop at the balcony of the Cuban east despite the complex epidemiological situation in the country.

According to data provided to Granma by specialists from the Department of Foreign Trade, Foreign Investment and International Cooperation of the Provincial Government, the territory has 20 exportable goods and services already consolidated.

The goods include, for example, the carbon steel billets from ACINOX Las Tunas, various products from the Raw Materials Recovery Company, from the HG tench and swim bladder fisheries, the shrimp from UEB SanRos, alcohol and rum from AZCUBA, gold from UEB Golden Hill, honey from UEB Apicuba, tobacco from the Acopio, Torcido y Benefit Company, as well as charcoal in seven companies of the Ministry of Agriculture system. For its part, services are concentrated between the house of higher studies in the territory, the Cuban Post Office and the Central East Port Services Company. Today, five exportable goods are under development, concentrated in two companies, while another 35 belonging to 15 entities and four services are being promoted. Due to their role as essential actors within the Cuban economy, they have also worked closely with forms of non-state management (FGNE). Specifically from this sector, several products have been identified with potential for export, of which 61 are under development and belong, for example, to the National Association of Small Farmers and the Cuban Association of Artisans and Artists. According to Salvador Sariol Vistasrte, head of the aforementioned department, “Foreign Trade activity is essential for the functioning of the economic system of the province of Las Tunas. In this sense, in all the municipalities, in the second half of November 2020, Business Rounds were developed with the aim of mobilizing the productive potential and identifying new exportable items. He also elaborated that «under the slogan:" The triumph is in the hands of the daring ", the tenth Business Round took place in the province, which met the expected expectations and had, among its essential results, a total of 15 contracts and 183 letters of intent signed, with a value greater than 388 thousand pesos ». For his part, Yoannis Basalo Barreda, the department's main specialist, pointed out that “several training actions were developed aimed at the implementation of the new legal regulations, related to import and export for the FGNE, the legal advice of the Business Teams of entities, as well as everything related to Intellectual Property in the export environment, and the importance of trademarks and distinctive seals of our products to insert them into the international market. Las Tunas has a total of 14 projects in the Portfolio of Foreign Investment Opportunities 2020-2021, which cover the Agrifood (4), Agroindustry sugar and renewable energy (4) and Tourism (6) sectors. For this 2021, the Department of Foreign Trade, Foreign Investment and International Cooperation has important work projections directed, among other aspects, to promote the presence of entities and companies from Tunea in the Mariel Special Development Zone and increase sales to Tourism and chains Currency Recovery Stores; achieve the implementation of the Single Window for Foreign Investment in the territory (VUINEX), as well as consolidate the approved Foreign Investment projects, and increase the presentation of new projects to be included in the Portfolio of Opportunities 2021-2022.


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