Nature becomes a landscape before female beauty

"They are examples and role models for current and future generations"

Nature becomes a landscape before female beauty
08 Mar 2021

This novel vision allows the integration of economic and conservation interests in a harmonious and compatible way, in order to mitigate the loss of biodiversity of genes in landscapes, and thereby increase the capacity of ecosystems to generate environmental goods and services, improve social well-being and increase the capacity to adapt to climate change. The Cuban Woman Entrepreneur constitutes an essential element for the conservation and management of productive systems with gender and landscape approaches, also as examples for our society through the Project "Connecting Landscapes" UNDP-CITMA-MINAGRI.

From its very beginnings in the 60s of the last century, it opened opportunities equally for everyone, it included women in all areas and corners of Cuban society in a profound transforming process. When there was still no talk of gender or social inclusion, Cuba was already making them literate, sowing opportunities for talent and intelligence for innovation, science, and entrepreneurship.

Today we present in this small work, these great women, who do not come from the academic milieu, who have wanted to make them visible, give them their own voice, and preach with their personal examples. They, with their intelligence, their activism, their dedication and with that inexhaustible interest in acquiring new innovative knowledge for their companies, have become successful rural women, all with exciting stories that we are sure readers will enjoy. To download the complete document, go to:


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