Isla de la Juventud: They convene the First of May in work of sowing animal food

In the middle of a day dedicated to planting cane and other protein plants for animal feed, the celebration of the next May Day was called on the Isle of Youth.

Isla de la Juventud: They convene the First of May in work of sowing animal food
21 Mar 2022

Yusmary Olivera Pupo, general secretary of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba in the special municipality, announced the call and highlighted the role played by the labor movement in confronting the COVID-19 pandemic and the boost to the economy in recent years. two years. The union leader pointed out that in greeting to the day of the world proletariat, more than 29 thousand pine workers, organized in 14 unions, will mobilize towards food production and the fulfillment of their labor commitments. Workers in the agricultural sector have the responsibility of advancing the Rabbit Multiplier Center, where this Sunday May Day was convened, which will soon receive the first specimens to start extensive rabbit breeding in the territory. This has two ships for almost 500 animals and 10 hectares for the cultivation of protein plants.


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Canal Agroforestal