Party leadership exchanges in Guantánamo with new economic actors

Rafael Pérez Fernández, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and First Secretary in Guantanamo, today visited El Stockholm, a private bar that is the first among almost 40 MSMEs approved by the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP) in the province.

Party leadership exchanges in Guantánamo with new economic actors
01 Feb 2022

The party leader, in dialogue with the administrator Isada Cedeño Isalgué, spoke about the benefit that these economic actors can bring to the territory where they are located and to the country, through exports, assumption of projects, productive chains and scientific and technological innovation. He made reference to the repercussion in Guantánamo of the First National Meeting of Exports and Businesses of Coffee, Cocoa and Coconut and non-traditional productions of Agriculture, which in the first days of December met in this city and revealed the need for the province to consolidate the progress in these three crops, the main wealth of the Cuban highlands. He clarified that this scientific-technical forum was organized by the Export Pole of the province, which is made up of the Asdrúbal López Coffee Processor (Alto Serra) and another emblematic company of the Upper East: Agroforestry and Coco de Baracoa. The member of the Central Committee specified that Alto Serra has raised the name of the province, by becoming the first company of the Ministry of Agriculture to certify its work with the most rigorous system and quality standards, which range from production and food safety, to work protection and hygiene. He explained that both entities have been the first in the province authorized to send their productions outside the border, by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, and from its corporate purpose nothing prevents Stockholm from joining that export effort. In this MSME, the main difficulty has been with supply, because although the owner, Guillermo Aguilar Álvarez, has dual Cuban-Swedish nationality, he received rather slowly the magnetic card that corresponds to him as an entrepreneur in this country.


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