Balance report of the Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba in Amancio

During the VIII Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Ideas, Concepts and Guidelines aimed at updating the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development were approved, with the sole purpose of consolidating and giving continuity to the Revolution.

Balance report of the Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba in Amancio
11 Nov 2021

During the VIII Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Ideas, Concepts and Guidelines aimed at updating the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development were approved, with the sole purpose of consolidating and giving continuity to the Revolution. This document establishes as one of the main missions of the Party, the development of the national economy, from which lines of work have been derived for the Municipal Committee since the balance meeting held in 2015. In correspondence with the strategic sectors defined by the country, the municipality has maintained the treatment of the main economic, productive and social indicators, which together with the indications of RSB 570 on the attention to the Party's grassroots organizations, has made possible achieve greater ties with the centers and communities based on the definition of priorities, taking into account the circumstances of each moment. As part of the attention to these activities, a system of checking and systematic visits to the productive forms and the main centers of food production and the provision of services has been maintained, participation in assemblies of workers and associates, boards of directors, cadre commissions, boards of directors of productive forms, grassroots organizations of the Party and the Union of Young Communists. In the period under evaluation, the main economic indicators are not met, mainly caused by the non-compliance of physical productions in key sectors such as sugar and agriculture, to which are added the low offers in the Commerce and Gastronomy network, situation which is reiterated at the end of 2021, which is influenced by the limitations caused by the intensification of the blockade imposed by the North American government, the influence of Covid 19, as well as insufficient administrative, governmental and Party demand actions to transform the situation. existing. The territory is distinguished by agricultural production and sugar cane with its derivatives, which groups most of the labor force. Even so, the sugar production plan was not fulfilled, so as of 2018 the Sugar Industry was paralyzed, an issue that generated negative opinions in the population. As in previous stages, these results are a consequence of the instability in the supply of raw materials, the insufficient preparation of the force and the little demand and control of the intermediate heads of management of the industry to face the problems in the different areas. Added to this is the lack of rigor and follow-up from the partisan base organizations of this sector, since immediacy was not achieved in solving the problems that in the subjective order affected the industrial process in the harvest periods, which limits compliance with Guideline 130. The sugarcane recovery has been addressed differently, according to what is established by Guideline 129. However, the average yield is low, estimating 31.3 tons per hectare, lower than the provincial average, being a challenge for the municipality to achieve that the sugarcane is produced. Enough to support industrial grinding for more than 120 days. The worst indicators are manifested in the UBPC Rubén Martín Agún, Luis Aldana Palomino, San Fernando, Darío Guevara, the CPA 16 de Abril, the CCS Alipio Carrillo and the Clotilde farm.On the other hand, the sugarcane planting plans are not complied with, the area infested with marabou being significant, although the active participation of the people in productive mobilizations to support this task must be recognized. In addition, the low percentage of population in the plantations, the increase in demolitions, sugar cane fires and animal damage, where impunity and lack of rigor prevail in the confrontation from the productive forms themselves, in the application of the measures that they are implemented to avoid their occurrence. The foregoing is a consequence of the little demand and control of the boards of directors and the lack of effectiveness in linking the structure of the Agroindustrial Sugar Company to transform the insufficiencies that occur in the soil preparation cycles, the quality of the seeds , non-compliance with technical standards for planting and cultural attention to sugarcane, coupled with low use and compliance with the working day in productive forms. These issues have been identified in the visits made by Party cadres and evaluated in various political processes carried out in the sector, and although progress has been made, it is still not up to the task. In this sense, there has been a lack of accurate action by the partisan militancy of the sugar sector in order to exert greater influence, demand and control from the grassroots organizations to each of the factors in the radius of action to transform the existing problems. Food production has been at the center of attention of the Party's work focused on guaranteeing local self-sufficiency according to what is stipulated in Guideline 123. Three productive poles have been established for the production of viands and the delivery of land in usufruct continues . The patios for family self-consumption are increased with the impulse of the mass organizations and in the cattle ranch it is possible to increase the birth rate with the consequent increase in the delivery of milk. Despite the aforementioned, in the states of opinion, dissatisfaction persists in the population regarding the prices of the products on offer, the instability in supplies and their variety. Nor is sustainability achieved in the sowing of short-cycle crops, including sweet potatoes, corn, squash and cassava. The expected results are not obtained in the production of fruit trees or in the guarantee of animal protein, which shows an incorrect planning, monitoring and control by the Agriculture system, which is far from the indications issued in RSB 603 / 2018 "Need to promote a real will and export vocation", which also insists on the urgency of substituting imports. In this regard, effectiveness and cohesion have not been achieved in the work and operation of the group created to monitor the Local Self-Supply Program. On the other hand, there has been a lack of demand from the leaderships of the Party's base organizations constituted in the productive forms, as well as from the boards of directors and the Acopio to achieve objectivity in the hiring process and greater control of the destination of the productions. The same happens with the National Association of Small Farmers in the municipality and its structures, issues repeatedly evaluated with the factors involved in this task. Related to the implementation of the new measures approved by the country for the development of agricultural programs, the administration has lacked a better preparation of the boards of directors that allow them to reach each of the producers in order to materialize the sovereignty program according to Guideline 127.In the Party's work system, there are follow-up, support and control actions for the prevention of all phenomena and manifestations of crime, corruption and illegalities. Although deaths and theft and slaughter in livestock have been reduced compared to the previous stage, prevention and confrontation actions are still insufficient. Deaths from malnutrition continue; No work is being done to dignify the areas for livestock and neither is the protection of the mass achieved by the owners, which means that it remains within the main criminal typicities of the territory. The CCS Lino Álvarez, Leonel Martí, Camilo Cienfuegos, Saturnino Aneiro and Mártires de Pino III are the ones with the greatest incidents. This is an issue that has lacked the necessary objectivity in the analyzes carried out by the Party's grassroots organizations, since they focus on the events after they have occurred and not on transforming the causes of the problems. In the same way, from the union structures and the grassroots organizations of the National Association of Small Farmers, there has been a lack of demand towards the productive forms to guarantee the formation and operation of the peasant surveillance detachments and the achievement of comprehensive results in the sector. When the opinion trends are analyzed, as well as the controls of the cases of attention to the population, it is not complex to determine that the Housing Construction and Rehabilitation Program that responds to Guidelines 174 to 178 constitutes one of the issues that mark the biggest dissatisfactions of the people. In this sense, despite the actions carried out, not enough progress is being made. One hundred percent of the damages caused by Hurricane Irma were solved, but 22 families from previous events remain pending, which are included in the nominalized plan. The issue in question requires achieving more sustained progress and differentiated care for the most vulnerable people and households where greater agility and quality in the treatment of these matters is required from the responsible entities, raising the demand and government control and a more objective evaluation from the grassroots organizations constituted in the organisms that participate in the activity. Despite the limitations with the resources and offering follow-up to the fulfillment of the policy for the ten years, the Guideline 174 has been followed up. In this regard, the completion plan is achieved and 387 homes are delivered; work continues in the two constructive poles with popular participation and the administrative entities; progress is being made in the eradication of dirt floors; The modality of construction of vaulted houses is resumed and the production of mud bricks is restarted. In correspondence with what is stated in Guideline 111, to date 422 subsidies have been approved with an amount of 22 million 194 thousand 690 pesos. 379 basic cells have been culminated by this concept, the rest are in different construction phases with the support of the organisms of the territory. Work is being done on the application of alternative means for the efficient use of the resources assigned to the local production base of materials, although the production levels of generics are still insufficient, which are little reflected in the store's offers of building materials. In general, the results were higher in this program if there had been an effective monitoring of the final destination of the resources, which prevented the occurrence of an act of embezzlement, identified through a fiscal verification in the UEB Integral Agropecuaria and the Municipal Directorate of Housing in which it was necessary to separate from the ranks of the Party and the leadership of these entities to the center cadres, which shows little attention to Objectives 9 and 53 of the First Conference on the part of the nuclei that reside in these organisms.As part of the municipality's work system, monitoring of basic services is a priority, which has allowed a favorable political environment to be breathed in the population, although, based on the conjunctural situation that the country is going through, there are dissatisfactions reflected in the states of opinion related to the shortage of hygiene products, meat and gastronomic offers; the collection of solid waste and the actions of some coachmen, in addition to the critical situation of the roads, the limitations with transport and the instability of the water supply. The activity of Commerce, Gastronomy and Services has been monitored by the Municipal Bureau of the Party. With the application of Resolution 99 and other measures for the improvement of the sector, the offers have been diversified, however the control actions carried out by the main management cadres are insufficient, giving rise to the persistence of violations in several units, including robberies, embezzlement and shortages, which show a lack of depth in the application of the implementation of Resolution 60, an issue in which we must continue to deepen. In the territory, the management of the different economic actors of different forms of ownership and management is diversified and strengthened. The non-state sector plays an important role in activities and services provided to the population, with 1,869 self-employed workers to date, and 3 project applications are reviewed. By activities the most representative are the coachmen, telecommunications agents, producer or seller of various items, the street vendor of light food, gastronomic services in cafeteria and beauty services. Membership in this sector reaches 87.4%, with the greatest deficiencies being the Transport, Construction and Industry unions. In a general sense, for the next stage of work, it is necessary to intend actions in this sector that make it possible to achieve a higher quality and culture of detail in the services provided; reduce excessive prices and achieve compliance with the scope of activity. In the Health sector, treatment has been offered to the epidemiological hygienic situation from a multisectoral approach, which has made possible agility in the control of disease outbreaks. There is stability in the behavior of the Primary Care indicators; Despite the fact that the infant mortality rate shows an increase with 2 deaths, the quality of the follow-up to the Maternal and Child Program increases, in which the low birth weight index decreases and the maternal mortality rate remains at zero. However, difficulties persist due to lack of control, demand and programming of the Basic Work Groups, as well as the influence of the Party Committee, the base organizations that are subordinate to them and the rest of the entity's factors to achieve greater quality in the work of the Basic Health Teams. Since March 2020, the country has been strongly affected by the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, which has also manifested itself in the municipality. To which a response has been made from an integrative and multisectoral position for the care of the 4 Covid hospitals, 8 Acute Respiratory Infection consultations and the treatment of the communities. In this sense, highlight the voluntary donations of the people, fundamentally for the political and mass organizations at the base, as well as the influence exerted through the different programs of the Radio Maboas station. A special recognition deserves the health personnel and the rest of the sectors that have contributed to the confrontation of the pandemic. The grassroots organizations of the educational sector have offered follow-up to the implementation of the guidelines, which has allowed, together with the administration, to consolidate the organization of the educational teaching process, which has also been affected by the influence of Covid 19. The school-family-community link enabled its institutions to work towards becoming the most important cultural and sports center in the district. 100% of the teaching coverage is maintained for several consecutive years, which was increased from the salary policy approved for the budgeted sector, with 152 teachers and professors reincorporating. An issue to continue strengthening from early education has to do with the results upon admission to higher education, with the subject of mathematics being the most affected. It is also required to continue deepening in the Ideological Political Work with the personnel of the sector, the families and the students to advance in the consolidation of the values ??and the quality of the teaching-learning process.Related to the cadre policy, based on what is established in Chapter II of the Work Objectives of the First Conference, stability is achieved in the fulfillment of the administrative and political cadre staff. However, the center table of the Municipal Directorate of Culture remains provisionally for a long time. In the period, several processes related to the subject have been carried out, the most recent being RSB 274, which contains the III verification process on the quality of the selection of cadres and workers who occupy positions that are filled by appointment. In general, there is a better follow-up in the selection of colleagues who handle resources, which shows progress in control from the Party's grassroots organizations, however, there is a lack of systematicity and comprehensiveness in the work with the reserve that makes it possible to identify in a way It targets young people, graduates of a higher level and with the required political and moral qualities. On the other hand, although there is a better understanding of what corresponds to the Party, as a trend it is necessary to deepen the investigations of the people who are proposed to assume these responsibilities. One issue to continue working on is the training of cadres and reserves in the economic and legal components that allows them greater mastery of the different processes with which they have an impact. The Municipal Committee of the Party in the municipality has an approved staff of 14 cadres who influence care and are linked to 212 grassroots organizations, among which are 38 zonal nuclei and 3 Committees. Since 2014 there has been a sustained increase in the state of militancy, which currently has 2 423 troops. There are also 1,464 UJC militants, integrated into 146 grassroots organizations, an important quarry to guarantee effective work to put a stop to the ideological political subversion developed by the enemy. The Executive Bureau holds monthly meetings with its General Secretaries in which 99.2% attendance is reached. The nuclei of the UBPC San Alberto, the Group 6 and the Collective Law Firm, with which the corresponding analyzes have been carried out, have a negative impact. This is a space, which the general secretaries recognize, has served as a methodological preparation to promote the Party's work at the grassroots. Aware that democracy is more socialist to the extent that it is more participatory, it is necessary to advance more effectively in the use of Article 22 of the Regulations to achieve superior results in the quality of the meetings held by our structures if it is taken into account that it is a practice that shows rigidity and lack of creativity. 1.5 non-militant workers are averaged in the meetings and nuclei that do not effectively use this possibility of link and contribution are still controlled. Objectives 3 and 25 of the Conference have been met. There is work by the commissions that ensure the issues of the fundamental activity, even so the required depth is not achieved, since the reports do not always reflect the subjective problems, the causes or those responsible, which prevents the adoption of agreements aimed at their solution , which is also affected by the non-holding of the preparation meeting as established. These were issues addressed during the discussion of Bulletin No. 1/2018 "How each militant and grassroots organization assumes internally his responsibilities in promoting and controlling the specific activity of the place where he operates." During the stage, treatment has been offered to Objective 84 regarding the attention to the Union of Young Communists. Currently there are 88 nuclei that have periodically evaluated the functioning of the 106 base committees that are subordinate to them; although it is not always possible to question the role of Party membership in terms of transforming the problems that young people present in the radius of action, especially the 138 who have dual membership. On the other hand, ideological political work is insufficient because there are militants of the youth organization, who having the requirements, are not timely identified within the socio-political study and others who do not show willingness to join the party ranks, to which it is added that There are still 66 members of the Union of Young Communists disengaged from study or work.Taking into account the indications of RSB 570, the summaries of the minutes are part of the methods used for the feedback with the base. The issues identified are processed immediately for treatment, even so, sometimes issues that are known or have to be solved are reviewed, administrative that are militants of the nucleus itself or of the radius of action and for which they are not held accountable, which shows weaknesses in the demand towards those responsible for transforming the problems. Since the previous assembly process and in line with the content of the Internal Information Bulletin 1/2017 "The Growth Process: Strategic Task of the Party" and Goal 35, the territory consistently complies with the growth projection, incorporating 1,033 colleagues to the state of militancy in the last five years, which averages 192 per year, which has prevented decline. The growth projection for 2021 was 206 comrades, which has been fulfilled according to the conceived schedule, however 11 comrades that during the sociopolitical study gave their willingness to join the Party and did not keep it in a negative way. the Assemblies of Exemplary Workers. It remains our weakness to increase the income of more workers and peasants. Related to the sanctions policy, in recent years the measures applied have increased, achieving a correspondence between internal and external ones. Despite this, the figures are below the non-compliance and indiscipline present in the grassroots organizations, in addition there is a lack of promptness and combativeness in the militancy since the analyzes when they are carried out are with the presence of the Party cadres. On the other hand, this year deactivations have increased, which shows that there are still cracks in the ideological order. The planned contribution income has been met, however there are difficulties, as activists who do not want to continue in the ranks, pending transfer or unjustified cease to contribute. The insufficiencies that are manifested in this indicator show that not always the cadres and members of the Party, especially the general secretaries of the nuclei, pay due attention to this duty and consider that it is a responsibility of the listed activist. In addition to this, noncompliants are not analyzed in a timely manner, many of whom have a negative impact on subjective causes that may have a much more agile solution of constituting a priority for the leadership of the Party's grassroots organizations. There are 60 nuclei that by decision of the Bureau permanently evaluate the issue of crime, which is part of the fulfillment of Objectives 9 and 53 of the First Conference; however, the analyzes carried out still show formalism and complacency. Sometimes risks and vulnerabilities are not taken into account and the necessary progress to transform negative behaviors is not appreciated. Comrades, let us work with a revolutionary spirit to make what was expressed by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party in our 8th Congress when he pointed out and I quote: “The most revolutionary thing in the Revolution is and must always be the Party, as well as the Party. it must be the force that revolutionizes the Revolution ”. End of quote. Tomorrow we will be commemorating the 63rd anniversary that brave bearded men from Column 13 Ignacio Agramonte, in Charco Piedra, a historic site in our territory, ambushed troops from the Batista dictatorship. With the same warrior impetus as the glorious Rebel Army, the amancists from now on, and consistent with the role that the Constitution of the Republic gives us from the radius of action where we operate, we are obliged to seek, with the unity of all factors, the best solutions, based on transforming the problems that affect the municipality.

WORK PROJECTIONS. Offer differentiated attention to the organizations and entities that define the main economic indicators, especially those related to the agricultural, sugar and trade sectors, through systematic linkage with the Party's grassroots organizations and the factors that apply to them. subordinate. Establish systematic exchanges, with the political and administrative factors of the sugar systems and agriculture that allow to promote the fulfillment of the strategy of the planting plan, sugarcane recovery and food self-sufficiency, tempered with advances in science and technology, as well as the confrontation with the crime and the follow-up to the cadre policy. Incorporate into the planning, meetings with the militants of the Party and the Communist Youth Union in the residential areas and the centers that most affect the occurrence of crime, especially those with high economic and political repercussions, to determine the responsibility of the militants in the detection, prevention and confrontation with these events. Lead from the Municipal Party Bureau, the participation of political coordinators to ensure that the nuclei of the Party of the agricultural sugar sector and commerce politically ensure the productive and service processes and involve the best workers as protagonists. Organize jointly with the Union of Young Communists processes of exchanges with their militancy and the youth universe, so that their active participation in the economic, political and social activity of the radius of action is achieved that allows them to achieve the disposition to enter the ranks of the Party and the UJC. To entrust the Municipal Administration Council and the National Association of Small Farmers, to adopt the measures to solve the organizational problems that limit the commercialization of agricultural products and act in correspondence with the violations that are verified. Guide the Cuban Workers' Center that the affiliate assemblies become a space for participation for the rigorous analysis of the main economic, financial, productive, service indicators, the fulfillment of Objectives 9 and 53 of the Conference in the centers and the confrontation with ideological political subversion. To exchange every six months, in conjunction with the leadership of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power and the Council of Administration with retired combatants of the FAR, the MININT; former cadres of political and mass organizations; as well as with the leaders of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution and the Federation of Cuban Women, to strengthen the work of confronting subversion and revolutionary vigilance at the base. Incorporate in the issues that are presented to the Bureau and the Municipal Committee of the Party, the evaluation of the fulfillment of the projections approved in this assembly and inform the general secretaries of the result every six months.


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