Granma: Aggregates producer combined in El Cacao modernized

The assembly, in the course of the current 2021, of a scale to weigh trucks loaded with aggregates and the restitution of the perimeter fence, give continuity to the modernization process of the El Cacao stone mill, in the municipality of Jiguaní, province of Granma.

Granma: Aggregates producer combined in El Cacao modernized
04 Jun 2021

Luis Zamora González, maintenance director of the Granma Construction Materials Company, Gramat, to which the aforementioned facility belongs, said that the previous year the repair of the primary stone mill and the overhead laying of the electrical cables were completed. , replacing an underground wiring that presented problems in rainy weather. The stone mill and the nearby quarry that supplies it with raw materials constitute the Ramón Viamontes establishment, in Gramat, an entity of which it is its flagship facility as it produces considerable quantities of sand, gravel, stone dust, macadam, stone base, rajón and high quality rajoncillo, for the construction of different works, in eastern Cuba. The gradual revival of the now quarantine mill began in 2005, with the installation of modern equipment called hydrocyclone, which increases the production of fine sand by 15 percent and recovers almost all the water used in the production process. At that time, in an eight-hour shift, Ramón Viamontes wasted about 3,500 cubic meters of water that was lost, the hydrocyclone makes it possible to recover and reuse it over and over again, which reduces costs. In subsequent years, the repair of mills, conveyor mats and other crushing and control equipment continued, while the quarry part received loaders and trucks.


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