Favorable production of bee honey in Villa Clara in the first quarter of the year

Santa Clara, Mar 24 (ACN) Even though there are a few days until the end of the first quarter of 2021, the Villa Clara Beekeeping Base Business Unit (UEB) is close to 195 tons of honey, production that exceeds its commitments for the date.

Favorable production of bee honey in Villa Clara in the first quarter of the year
29 Mar 2021

According to its director Alexander Castro Aguilar, the plan for the first three months of the year amounts to 160 tons of the precious line, part of which is destined for export due to the great demand for it in the international market. The state commission also benefits from these productions that are sent mainly to the manufacture of medicines based in the Pharmacy and Optics Company, he added. Among the main indicators that denote efficiency, the favorable production of propolis, wax, honey and queen bee stands out, stressed Castro Aguilar. The manager also pointed out that indicators such as pollen and royal jelly have not yet reached the compliance figures. With a large number of hives in use, the central geography in this activity at the national level, a line with high international demand and positioned among the main exportable items of the largest of the Antilles. Very accepted among the population are also other assortments marketed by the Cuban Beekeeping Company (APICUBA) and which are considered nutritional supplements. Among these assortments, Propomiel stands out (honey with propolis); Propoforte (honey with royal jelly, pollen and propolis, and Panmiel (honey with pollen), which can be used for prostate ailments, anemia and other ailments.


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Canal Agroforestal