They manufacture in Las Tunas modules destined to the promotion of hives

The collective of these three sawmills gives great importance to the link with science and technology, with innovations in saws, the wood transporter, winches, among other machines and tools.

They manufacture in Las Tunas modules destined to the promotion of hives
31 May 2021

Collective workers from the sawmills of Calixto, in Majibacoa, that of the city of Las Tunas, and the Libertad carpentry, put hands and talent in the development of beekeeping and in the collection of various agricultural products, with the manufacture of modules for boxes for packaging and promoting beehives. The three facilities constitute a valuable contribution to these activities, according to Isidro Herrera Figueredo, director of the commercial-based business unit at the Agroforestry Company of Las Tunas, according to a report from the weekly 26, from Las Tunas. “In the two sawmills the logs are processed and then destined for the programs prioritized by the country and, in general, we are giving the second transformation to the wood, taking it to the buyers in the best possible conditions. “Customers use this wood to manufacture the resources they need. In the case of storage modules, we sell them the kit and they build the box. In the same way we proceed with the pallets, because it is difficult for us to buy lace to finish them ». In the Libertad carpentry, for example, they dedicate their efforts to making elements for beekeeping in the provinces of Las Tunas, Holguín and Camagüey. Héctor Rodríguez Calo, at the head of the team, said that the plans are not being fulfilled due to a lack of raw material, essentially due to difficulties with the stable supply of wood by suppliers. «In the production of boxes, bottoms and lids we almost always use conifers, from Mayarí, Guamá and Baracoa, although at some point we have used carob cut in the territory of Las Tunas, and it has been well received. "Due to the difficulties with fuel and other logistical reasons we have lacked that wood, but we look for alternatives so that the workers continue to produce and make items in high demand among the population such as furniture, shoe racks, cradles and doors, among others," he said. Economic and financial limitations aside, each day is a new challenge for the groups and not only because their salary depends on the productions, but because the workers suffer when not everything the country needs comes out of their hands. Hence the great value that the group gives to the link with science and technology, with innovations in saws, the wood transporter, winches, among other machines and tools. Bee honey and its derivatives constitute one of the most important exportable items of the Agroforestry Business Group of the Ministry of Agriculture, contributing annually income of about 20 million dollars, we had published in Granma in 2020. Cuban beekeeping includes, in addition to honey and wax, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, bee venom, pollination and constitutes an active factor in the balance of the Cuban ecosystem.


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