Exports from Camagüey boost Cuban economy

Camagüey, Cuba, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) The contributions of this province to the Cuban economy exceed revenues of 76 million 231 thousand dollars from exports, the Department of Foreign Trade, Foreign Investment and International Cooperation reported today.

Exports from Camagüey boost Cuban economy
19 Feb 2021

The figures registered at the end of 2020 represent 73 percent of what was planned, because according to the department itself based in this province in the east of the country, the estimate was not reached in most of the productions destined for the foreign market. "Despite falling short of planning, it is undoubtedly an important contribution to the country, which is largely limited by the commercial siege imposed by the United States," Juan Poll, director of the Department of Commerce, told the local press. Exterior in Camagüey. Imposed restrictions make it difficult to trade products such as chrome sand, H tench, artificial and frozen shrimp, sea cucumber, honey, tobacco, charcoal. The effects of the Covid-19 affected in the same way an export plan for values ??higher than 104 million. However, according to the Poll itself, 'with respect to 2019 there was a growth in eight products and six entities that were not on the export map joined this important mission.' The largest of the Cuban provinces currently has 13 development products, while among the entities that have excelled in terms of income for their services, the University of Camagüey and the Pescacam Company stand out. The previous year, the production of raw sugar in bulk, which stopped entering the national economy 22 million 927 thousand 900 dollars, and charcoal (4 million 717 thousand), according to data provided by the Ministry of the Agriculture. Although the situation caused by Covid-19 and other factors is tense on a global scale, Camagüey also reported unanticipated exports that point to an increase in foreign exchange earnings, key to the economic development of the largest of the Antilles.


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