Pinar del Río exhibits good results in honey production

Sustained overcompliance in honey production in the past months of this calendar allowed Pinar del Rio beekeepers to surpass the record set 20 years ago, by completing 306 tons (t) of the food, benefiting from the appropriate weather behavior.

Pinar del Río exhibits good results in honey production
28 Jul 2021

The success was also influenced by the good management of the bees, the flowering behavior of the honey species and the renewal of the queens, according to Ismelis Bárbaro Prieto Acanda, director of the Business Unit of Base Pinar del Río, told the local press. entity that expects to continue that rhythm and conclude the year with obtaining 532 t. In a positive way, this will influence the manufacture of wax, propolis and royal jelly, supported by the dedication of producers and the Basic Units of Cooperative Production, the health of the 12 thousand hives and the systematic feeding of apiaries, among other factors with impact on yields and productive guarantees. At the same time, work is being perfected in the existing queen farms in the municipalities of Pinar del Río, Sandino and Consolación del Sur, while the reforestation programs of honey species are being carried out at the territorial scale. The processed honey is destined for the Artemisa and Sancti Spíritus beneficiation plants for processing and export to various markets around the world. Throughout the country, processing plants are modernized to adapt them to the increasingly demanding standards of trade on the planet. As a success of the stage, the beekeeping entity adds bee pollen to its productions for the first time, which supports the recovery of this branch in the westernmost Cuban province. The achievement had its beginnings in the municipalities of Consolación del Sur and Los Palacios and involves eight producers, who plan to close the year with 500 kilograms, said Prieto Acanda. So far they accumulate more than 350 kilograms of pollen, which is obtained by placing traps at the entrance of the hives and in their effort to penetrate through a grid, the insects drop pollen balls into the tanks. Made up of small grains, the substance results from the flowers of varieties of plants and bees use it to feed their larvae, as it contains a high level of protein. It is considered a superfood, as it is also rich in vitamins A, D, E, B1, C, K, calcium, sodium and zinc, as it promotes increased enzymatic activity, balances the pH of the blood, increases hemoglobin and It is indicated in cases of weakness, fatigue or anemia, in the recovery of the intestinal flora and for the regulation of cholesterol, according to specialized pages. A purely natural line, honey is an energetic product, with revitalizing functions of the organism and raises the defenses, among many qualities, that place it, along with other of its derivatives, in one of the most important exportable items of the Agroforestry Business Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and an active factor in the balance of Cuban ecosystems, digital texts indicate.


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