Camagüey exhibits high collections of honey

Camagüey, Jul 25 (ACN) With 373 tons of honey delivered to the industry at the end of last June, just over 65 on the plan drawn up for the first half of the year, the Base Business Unit (UEB) Apícola Camagüey exhibits a favorable rhythm in the collection of the quoted product.

Camagüey exhibits high collections of honey
30 Jul 2020

In addition, other important indicators in this area were exceeded in that period, such as wax, propolis and the breeding of queen bees, Segundo Fernández Fonseca, chief of the technical services brigade in the aforementioned entity, told the ACN.

In the case of wax, the ruble marketed through the Apicuba Company when a surplus is obtained from the plan, six thousand 379 kilograms were obtained, he explained, but it is mainly used in the restoration of existing hives and the creation of others.

On propolis, he said that they amounted to 674 kilograms, a line mainly used by the biopharmaceutical industry to make medicines and cosmetic products, and regarding queen bees, the specialist commented that they work with nine thousand of these insects.

Currently, the province of Camagüey has 11 Breeding Centers, which since 2019 have exhibited their certification from the Beekeeping Research Center (CIAPI), for the quality with which their specialists and operators work there.

The main objective of these entities is to increase each breeding foot to maintain the vitality of the apiary, and at the same time multiply the hives where the popular royal jelly is obtained, and insert in the demarcation species that are more resistant to weather phenomena.

When referring to the most compliant territories, Fernández Fonseca mentioned Vertientes, Santa Cruz del Sur, Minas and Guáimaro, although 44 productive bases remain active throughout the province, mainly through beekeepers belonging to the Credit and Services Cooperatives (CCS).

Currently the province of Camagüey has 17,012 beehives in production, which are served by 244 beekeepers, who maintain a commitment with the aforementioned entity to reach 820 tons in the year.


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