Henequenera de Cienfuegos company will produce liquid detergent

Abreus, Cienfuegos, Cuba. - Liquid henequen detergent, an alternative to substitute imports, will begin to be produced in the Base Business Unit, Henequenera Francisco del Sol, in Juraguá, located in the Cienfuegos municipality of Abreus.

Henequenera de Cienfuegos company will produce liquid detergent
13 Jul 2020

The urgent work program is undertaken by the entity of the Ministry of Agriculture amid the unjust blockade of the United States Government and the global pandemic of the new coronavirus, COVID-19. Amaury Sarria, Head of Industries of this henequenera informs Radio Rebelde that a project is being carried out "in order to rescue what at one time we were able to extract from the juice of the henequen to use it as an industrial liquid detergent, in floor cleaning or degreasing."

Isn't it to be used at home to wash dishes?

"Not in this first stage, he says, the second stage would be an in-depth study of this detergent that was used in the Special Period years, but it did not come to fruition as a household detergent. It was used only in cleaning bathrooms and floors and as an industrial degreaser.”

What production capacity must they achieve?

“We plan to reach around 30,000 or 50,000 liters per month.

From what date?

"As soon as possible, he says, we are now on the revival and inclusion of new machines. The project is quite advanced in the plans and others”.

To distribute it in the province or a little beyond?

“All clients who come in need would be hired. We would market this product ourselves.”

With the henequen fibers, do you have other productions?

"There is the string that we use in the packaging for the export of tobacco and we contract it with a Tobacco Company in the province of Pinar del Río, which assumes all of our production," he says. In addition to "ropes and twine, which have multiple uses, such as drying racks for drying clothes and tying animals, among others."


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