Agroforestry Company in Ciego de Avila: Think and act green

Agroforestry Company in Ciego de Avila: Think and act green
24 Jun 2020

Increasing forest levels as a task to tackle climate change is a priority for the group of the Forest Department of Flora and Fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture who strives to fulfill the plans planned for this year 2020.

El Ciro Redondo is located in the Green Ring, one of the most beautiful places in this area, with a high degree of agroforestry plantations.

Wimir López Rosa Specialist from the Forest and Wildlife Department of the Ministry of Agriculture told Avilanian Television that species such as eucalyptus, casuarina and yarua pinareña are some of the plantations that last in this part, which have the function of beautifying the environment, in addition to being a measure to counteract climate change.

These plantations are sponsored by the National Forest Development Fund, established in Law 85 with the objective of promoting the conservation and protection of forests.

Ciego de Avila has 140 847 hectares of forest, of which 130 36 are natural forests, with an approximate forest index of 21.66%, which is 0.5% higher than the previous year.

Currently, the challenge for workers in this sector is to plant 296 hectares for energy forests, which will form part of the Ciro Redondo bioelectric plant.


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Canal Agroforestal