The world opposes, but Biden extends the law supporting the blockade

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, signed this Tuesday the extension, for another year, of the Law of Commerce with the Enemy, one of the statutes of the White House that supports the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba

The world opposes, but Biden extends the law supporting the blockade
09 Sep 2021

What Cuba has the right to demand is that the US respect our sovereign prerogatives and desist from acting with the alleged privilege of dominating the destiny of the Cuban nation. Photo: Ruene, Andrés The president of the United States, Joe Biden, signed this Tuesday the extension, for another year, of the Law of Commerce with the Enemy, one of the statutes of the White House that supports the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba . According to Russia Today, the memorandum signed by Biden reads that "the continuation of the exercise of these authorities with respect to Cuba for one year is in the national interest of the United States" and sets September 14, 2022, as a new review date. The repeated prolongation of the blockade ignores the rejection of the absolute majority of the world community, expressed annually at the UN, to a genocidal policy that, in the context of COVID-19, the US government opportunistically escalated, in the stubborn attempt to surrender the Cuban people due to hunger, disease and misery. The most recent report from Cuba in that instance records that the accumulated damages amount to 147,853.3 million dollars, and exemplifies how, only between April and December 2020, the blockade caused losses in the order of 3,586.9 million. of dollars.


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