Coffee production continues in Sagua de Tánamo

In the mountainous areas of the province of Holguín, agriculture is focused especially on the production of coffee, for which a Development Program has been designed that seeks to increase production, with a view to satisfying the demand for the basic basket, consumption social and exports.

Coffee production continues in Sagua de Tánamo
26 Nov 2021

The Holguin municipality of Sagua de Tánamo is added to this purpose, with a great impact on the coffee harvest of the territory: But, since 2017, Cuba has also been working on the Coffee Program in the Llano, led by the Agroforestry Business Group, which has made agroforestry companies responsible for the care of producers and the creation of technical and organizational conditions that allow their development. Since then, 1,200 hectares have been planted (another 700 will be added this year) with the aim of reaching 7,163 hectares in 2030, and collecting more than 4,000 tons per year. Nine specialized production centers have been established in the country, with the largest areas in Matanzas, Villa Clara and Mayabeque; According to Elexis Legrá Calderín, director of Coffee, Cacao and Coconut of the Agroforestal Group, the plantations will be interspersed with fruit trees, and where it is not possible, they will plant bananas with the dual purpose of taking advantage of it as shade and food.


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