With new services remodeled Las Tunas Veterinary Clinic

A nursery, sanitary filter, operating room, clinical laboratory and a pharmacy are among the new services that the Las Tunas Veterinary Clinic incorporates, the first remodeling it received after its opening in 1989, and a real joy, in line with the recently approved Law of Animal Welfare in Cuba.

With new services remodeled Las Tunas Veterinary Clinic
05 Aug 2021

Yanel Napoles Pérez, veterinarian at the institution, told the Cuban News Agency that the reception by the population has been very good, not only by people who have pets, as those who are faced with the decision to incorporate a new animal member to their families. At this time the primary clinical emergency service that we previously provided is already being provided, which with better conditions, and in a few days the surgery room and the laboratory that are in the disinfection stage will begin, said the young doctor. The veterinary pharmacy, led by the LABIOFAM Business Group, attracts attention for the sale of disinfectant alcohols, vitamin supplements and other high-demand products such as the natural rodenticide Biorat, with a very high degree of effectiveness against rat and mouse pests. Naples Pérez also explained that the bathroom for the treatment of ectoparasites is expected to begin in the coming days, and as for the nursery, it only depends on the arrival in the territory of adequate food for pets, two new services that represent an important step in advance towards the guarantees and care that affectionate animals should enjoy. With the Animal Welfare Law many paths are opened, in fact, thanks to the approval of this policy the Clinic received this remodeling and now it is much easier to pay off some debts that persisted in terms of the care and orientation of the population. In the mornings there is always a lot of bustle and it is really comforting to see how a puppy can arrive dehydrated and after the application of a serum, the vigilance of the doctor in one of the admission rooms and the affection of its owner, it slowly recovers. The institution, which is called Ascanio Díaz, needed more than 487 thousand pesos in the execution of the work, a joint effort of the Integral Agricultural Company and the Provincial Delegation of Agriculture, which now cares for a group of almost 15 people, young and old. with a broad sense of belonging to the Veterinary Clinic and above all, love for animals.


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