With great acceptance, the Casa de la Miel opened its doors in Las Tunas

Today the La Colmena honey house was inaugurated in this city. Located in the El Tunero agricultural market, more than 16 assortments are sold as of today in that place, specialized in mixtures and products made with honey and its derivatives.

With great acceptance, the Casa de la Miel opened its doors in Las Tunas
28 Apr 2021

As reported at the inauguration of the enclave, Waldo Torres Stoll, director of the Tunera Beekeeping Company, “it is expected that in a short time the offers will reach 45 products, among which will be propomiel, jalimiel and others derived from sweet nectar. , pollen and propolis, with a high content of vitamins, minerals, very energetic and therapeutic ”. With excellent presentation and certified quality, different formats with varied weights are sold on the premises, from 19 to 25 thousand grams, while the prices, in line with the economic updates, are quite affordable to the population. n. The initiative was welcomed with great acceptance by consumers who accessed the place during the opening day, who stated the need in these times to have this specialized site. Raúl Rodríguez stated that he is very “pleased that Las Tunas already has these basic offers for daily consumption or treatment of any condition. In addition, there are a variety of options, what you are looking for here you will find ”. Laura Torres joins this criterion, who emphasized the importance of the place, since “we know that quality and safety are guaranteed in their products. The entire population should attend and buy assortments of these types, which are excellent, both for health and for cosmetic treatments, ”she stressed. The director of the Apiculture commented that the group that works there previously received training, in order to contribute to promoting knowledge among clients and thus guarantee nutritional education.


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Canal Agroforestal