Holguin farmer enters the world market with eggplant export

The search for the foreign market constitutes an objective of the agricultural producers of the Holguin municipality of Calixto García, as an alternative to the internal demands of the country to increase food production.

Holguin farmer enters the world market with eggplant export
19 Feb 2021

Amado Pérez Ricardo, associated with the Onelio Díaz cooperative, located in the Janata community, belonging to the Vista Hermosa Popular Council, overcame skepticism and demonstrates it with practical actions. “Since the country's political leadership presented the need to increase exports, I have shown interest. Even though at the beginning it seemed difficult, I started the road with the initial orientation of the Company of Selected Fruits of the Holguín province that saw in my crops quality fruits for the demands of the market and I definitely managed to export a ton of aubergine with which I was left proven that when you want to, you can. ”The delay in some of the certification procedures, accredited by Vegetal Health, delayed the business, while the aubergine field began to lose qualities for export, a situation that the Seed Company did not reject. from Holguín to obtain seeds of this fruit that will soon become widespread among other agricultural producers. Diuvichén Vila Torres, an export specialist in the direction of the Government of this municipality, recognizes this result as part of the path traveled: “Several producers have shown interest in exporting and today they are striving to achieve attractive products for the foreign market. There is experience in exporting charcoal through the Livestock Company, the La Jíquima Agricultural Company and the Business Units of Silvicultural and Flora and Fauna Base. Importers have already shown interest with the habanero chili pepper, the aubergine and the Persian lime, but this year coal will be consolidated as the main exportable item that should reach around 500 tons in 2021 ”. In the fields of cultivation, other agricultural products with demand in the foreign market are identified, such as bomb fruit, avocado and other fruits and vegetables of recognized nutritional value that will allow the income of foreign exchange to producers to assume the costs of inputs that demand the increase in production and the country's food sovereignty.


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