Cold campaign of various crops: About to be served!

We are in the time of beautiful greens. Well-sown or flowering fields adorn the countryside, and men and women with a multitude of tasks give movement to a landscape that is never static but in constant movement.

Cold campaign of various crops: About to be served!
10 Jan 2022

We are more than halfway through the cold season (September-March), the prodigal stage for various crops, and once again financial and input constraints force farmers to cultivate: plant the planned areas and harvest the crops that are needed. They are preparing to supply depressed markets, which are beginning to be covered with the many colors of the fruits that have come from the field. The sowing program of 387 thousand 232 hectares (ha) is 5% more than the average of the last nine seasons, and the only line that decreases (30 thousand ha) is beans, given the impossibility of acquiring inputs and guaranteeing crops of a crop very attacked by pests, Miguel Rosales, director of Agriculture of the ministry of the same name, told Trabajadores. They plan to plant 135,107 ha of meats, 127,582 of vegetables, 115,429 of grains and 9,112 of fruit trees. Although the difficulties are well known, the producers are not daunted; There are results with the use of the areas, especially those benefited with irrigation or collaboration projects. Yohan García, head of the Department of Various Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture, commented that, although the sowing foreseen in the spring season was fulfilled, they found effects caused by the intensification of the blockade, such as insufficient input of resources for crops and lack of diesel, which directly affect planned yields. He cited the damage that the corn crop had in that preceding stage, since no fertilizers or pesticides were available, and the delivery of the grain to the state commission was not fulfilled. Jorge Maceo Lozano knows about all these stumbling blocks; Planting was delayed due to a shortage of fertilizers and fuel, but this month Agropecuaria Arnaldo Ramírez, which he directs in Ciego de Ávila, will pay off that debt: the biological means and its system of stimulation to the workers will be the lever. Maceo explained to the newspaper Invasor, that he links men to an area and, if the crop yielded and the indicators that allow it to distribute were met, stimulate at the end of the harvest. "The end of the year distribution touches all workers, but I favor individual effort." From the Agricultural Group we learned that problems of lag persist in the planting of viands due to a lack of energy carriers and the deficient delivery of the technological package for the crops, which will cause a crop run-off. According to engineer Eduardo Masó, from the Agricultural Division, alternatives are being sought to make up for the lack of fertilizers with biological means obtained in the entomophage and entomopathogens reproduction centers (Cree) established in the companies. Osvaldo Puig, a grain specialist from Osde itself, also conveyed his concern about the shortage of inputs, which causes low yields of these species, which are very vulnerable to pests and diseases. Potato planting is at its peak, with a good rhythm in the entities that will cultivate it this season, in which they have proposed to plant 6 thousand ha and obtain about 120 thousand 914 tons, with average yields of 20.15 t / ha, Yohan García referred. Another issue that García paid attention to is the seed multiplication program, which guarantees the continuity of the plantations, for which 6 thousand ha to be cultivated there are 4 thousand t of complete formula fertilizer, with priority in planting vegetables and grains. . The provinces selected the producers to empower them with the available resources, at the same time that the productions demanded by tourism in each province are contracted. In a short time, the tones of the countryside will change: the green of the fruits will be joined by reds, yellows, purples ..., and men and women will accelerate their pace to take advantage of the time of each harvest, the highest yields and the best quality. The dish is about to be served! But for this you will have to be efficient.


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Canal Agroforestal