Changes in the contracting and commercialization of agricultural, forestry and tobacco production

Aspects related to municipal self-sufficiency and ways to determine the annual potential of important products for the country are required.

Changes in the contracting and commercialization of agricultural, forestry and tobacco production
20 Jan 2022

An update of the indications for the contracting and commercialization of agricultural, forestry and tobacco production for 2022 was published in the Extraordinary Official Gazette No. 8, which includes Resolution 861/2021 of the Ministry of Agriculture. The purpose of the regulations is to adapt the contracting of production to current conditions and consolidate the results achieved, as a process that allows production to be intertwined with marketing and also offers security, traceability, efficiency and satisfaction of demand in destinations. endings. Among the objectives is the disaggregation of the Agriculture plan at the producer level, which must materialize from the very moment of contracting, as a way to seek diversification and control of production, through greater attention from the business sector. . A fundamental premise to guarantee an efficient contracting and commercialization system is the establishment of a local production and commercialization system, for which the joint participation of the business sector, the cooperative sector and non-state forms of management under the direction of the cooperative sector is required. of the municipal government. In order for the contracting process to meet its objectives and for the figures to be recorded to have productive support, the Resolution establishes that it is mandatory to record the crops associated with each contracted product in the Agricultural Planning Information System (SIPA). According to the indications, a correct contracting must take into account the balance of areas, including the lands given in usufruct, the quality of the soil, the movement of the herd, the technologies used and the destination of the productions in accordance with what is approved in each program. developmental. Resolution 861/2021 of the Ministry of Agriculture, which will enter into force 30 days after its publication in the Official Gazette, also specifies aspects related to municipal self-sufficiency and ways to determine the annual potential of products such as milk. and beef and buffalo meat, small cattle, coffee, cocoa, coconut and medicinal plants.


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