Organizing Task benefits honey producers in Holguín

Beekeeping in the province of Holguín, one of the lines with significant contributions to exportable items in the eastern territory, stands out among the branches benefited from the implementation of the Ordering Task, underway since January of this year in Cuba.

Organizing Task benefits honey producers in Holguín
02 Aug 2021

Beekeeping in the province of Holguín, one of the lines with significant contributions to exportable items in the eastern territory, stands out among the branches benefited from the implementation of the Ordering Task, underway since January of this year in Cuba. Rogelio Saavedra, director of that entity, specified to the Cuban News Agency that, based on the new economic scenario, producers are paid a part of their income in freely convertible currency, which allows them to acquire inputs to increase the quality and quantity in the extraction of that line. He stressed that prices per ton currently range between 35,000 and 40,300 pesos, which reverts to strengthening work as the main source of income for the country, one of the main priorities within the indicators of the Ordering Task. So far this year, he stressed, 294 tons of the product have been contributed, whose commercialization to the international market is concentrated in countries of the European continent, and within Cuba it is directed to prioritized public health programs by delivering to the Company of Farmacias y Ópticas (FARMOX) for its use as raw material in the production of medicines. Saavedra also emphasized the actions to improve the genetics of the hives, which is achieved through the incorporation of quality queen bees, guaranteed in the seven multiplying centers of the species that the province has to improve the yields in the processes. extraction of honey, also used by large sectors of the population for direct consumption taking into account its curative and nutritional values. Read more: Bandec enables MLC procedures in Holguín for the export and import of honey In the eastern territory, there are also incentives to promote organic honey, which is essentially obtained in insecticide-free areas, with clean waters and without industrial pollutant sources close to beekeeping areas. Cuba is one of the Caribbean countries with the greatest potential in beekeeping and has more than 150 thousand colonies of bees distributed on the island, according to the page of the Ministry of Agriculture. Holguín currently has 178 individual producers and 411 apiaries and distributed in the 14 municipalities where their assortments are also diversified towards derivatives such as wax, propolis, pollen and jelly, with the technology and human capital necessary to guarantee the quality and variety of this exportable item .


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