The collection of honey, wax and propolis advances in Matanzas

Beekeeping producers in the province of Matanzas are working on the productive commitments of this season with the collection of 200 tons of this item and the contribution of wax and propolis.

The collection of honey, wax and propolis advances in Matanzas
01 Mar 2021

Matanzas, Cuba. - Beekeepers in the province of Matanzas are working on the production commitments of this season with the collection of 200 tons of this item and the contribution of wax and propolis. Jesús Falcón Sotolongo, director of the Business Unit in Jovellanos, specified that despite the impact of the Covid and the real limitations due to the blockade, they maintain the rhythm of the tasks, they aspire to comply with the derivatives and the increase in queen bees. The Ciénaga de Zapata, a municipality with the highest forestry potential in the Yumurino territory, is home to more than 16,000 hives that generally provide 70 percent of the honey collected in the province. At the forefront of the collectors of honey and its derivatives in the country, the province of Matanzas stands out for the quality of this exportable item, the management of its apiaries and the promotion of sanitary measures.


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