They streamline in Santiago de Cuba the manufacture of beds for sanitary use

The manufacture of wooden beds and the recovery of other metal profiles are today a priority in this province to face this need in hospitals due to the increase in patients with Covid-19.

They streamline in Santiago de Cuba the manufacture of beds for sanitary use
19 Jul 2021

These means are made in the Baconao Agroforestry Company, where the group accelerates the work to ensure that there is a sufficient quantity available. The Commander of the Revolution and Deputy Prime Minister, Ramiro Valdés, together with Lázaro Expósito, First Secretary of the Communist Party, and Beatriz Johnson, governor in the territory, checked these tasks at the Retomed Medical Equipment Company. The Sierra Maestra newspaper reports that the authorities also evaluated the construction of a biology and virology laboratory that will be added to the one that is in operation and was one of the first three to start chain reaction tests in the country more than a year ago. polymerase (PCR). The repair of ambulances and buses for the transfer of patients and health personnel, as well as the opening of hotels for hospital care, are imperative in a province that in recent weeks has remained among the highest incidence in Cuba. The high number of infected with SARS-COV-2, the cause of the pandemic, has put the network of hospitals in tension and alternatives are being analyzed to assimilate greater complexities in this epidemiological emergency.


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