Today is the day of the food of the gods!

Yes, cravings are allowed after this reading. We could really consider it a universal pleasure. Black, with milk, white, with nuts or cereals, and even with fruits. In all its forms of products and with other complementary ingredients, chocolate becomes more than just satisfaction.

Today is the day of the food of the gods!
07 Jul 2020

It breaks barriers of discrimination and exclusion due to political orientation, religious beliefs, gender, race, sexual orientation, age, ethnic origin, among other forms. Soft and creamy, on the palate, it transmits unrivaled sensations with grandma's custard, morning milk, birthday cake, tablet for the lover, the ice cream that remedies the hot energy of this summer, with the coffee after lunch and the dessert mousse.
Today is the right day to fulfill your craving to eat chocolate. Enough chocolate! Share that moment in the company of friends or family. The effect will always be extraordinary.
This July 7 is celebrated throughout the planet as World Cocoa Day, the fruit of tropical origin, from which the fatty part of the bean, cocoa butter, is extracted to manufacture the delicious chocolate and other products. Many years ago, cocoa was used as a natural tonic for protection against disease.
Currently it stands out for its energizing skills, as a potential aid to improve memory, its antioxidant properties, and for being heart-healthy. However, for pets such as cats and dogs it could be extremely toxic.
Historians say that Christopher Columbus was fortunate to taste it in its bitter form, thus being the first European to taste this food, produced at the time by the Mayans. And it seems that from that moment the good reviews on that continent did not stop.
Today Europe tops the list as the largest consumer on the planet. Among the countries in the world that consume the most chocolate and cocoa, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, France, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and Brazil stand out. If you haven't tried it yet, go for it; It is not for fun that the Greek word cocoa means "the food of the gods."


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